Auszeichnung als ´inVISION Top Innovation 2015´

Die Imaging-Fachzeitschrift inVISION hat die OLED-Backlight-Beleuchtung seelector Lux OLED von hema electronic zur Top Innovation 2015 gewählt. Die Jury würdigt damit den Beitrag, die Themen Bildverarbeitung und optische Messtechnik weiter voran zu bringen. An der Abstimmung zum innovativsten Produkt des Jahres nahm neben der inVision-Redaktion eine unabhängige Jury von Experten teil. Mehr Informationen...

zum inVISION-Newsletter 01/15

Sony logoSony has developed a 9.9" 960x540 (111ppi) flexible OLED panel, using an Oxide-TFT (IGZO) backplane and a WOLED-CF architecture (RGBW). The thickness of this panel is only 110 um. To make this panel, Sony used two glass substrates (for the backplane and the color filters) during the production process, which were later removed. This allows Sony to use their regular OLED manufacturing process. We're not sure what kind of material is used as the final substrate.

The small-molecule OLED materials were deposited using vapor deposition. Unfortunately the company didn't demonstrate this panel at SID.

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