Auszeichnung als ´inVISION Top Innovation 2015´

Die Imaging-Fachzeitschrift inVISION hat die OLED-Backlight-Beleuchtung seelector Lux OLED von hema electronic zur Top Innovation 2015 gewählt. Die Jury würdigt damit den Beitrag, die Themen Bildverarbeitung und optische Messtechnik weiter voran zu bringen. An der Abstimmung zum innovativsten Produkt des Jahres nahm neben der inVision-Redaktion eine unabhängige Jury von Experten teil. Mehr Informationen...

zum inVISION-Newsletter 01/15

LG has unveiled a new 55" curved OLED TV, called the EA9800. While I don't think LG is actually close to start producing such a TV with a flexible OLED panel (they didn't discuss the release date or price), it's a good sign that they gave a model number.

The EA9800 features an Oxide-TFT WRGB Full-HD OLED panel (like LG's 55EM9700 OLED TV). The TV features "infinite" contrast ratio, passive 3D, Smart Touch Controls and a "paper-slim" design. It is made from Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (CFRP). The curved screen "removes any hint of visual distraction to maximize the viewing experience".

The rivalry between LG and Samsung is sometimes amusing, and obviously Samsung unveiled their own 55" curved OLED TDisable rich-textV. Samsung is calling this a prototype and did not state any model number, but the sets look pretty similar...